For some reasons the desks in my office have been moved. I used to be right at the window in my little glass house, but the table has been moved back and there is a gap between the desk and the window. So if I want to open or close the window, or charge my phone, I have to crawl under the table to do that. Not too bad really, a little exercise once in a while.
It all reminds me of a children's book I read when I was little, one of the first books I can remember, about a girl whose favourite place was the space behind her father's desk. She liked to crawl under the desk to hide out. I was thinking about the book only the other day. I can't remember much else about it, I’m sure there was much more to the story, but that is the one thing I can remember. I’ll have to check my boxes at home to see if I still have it somewhere. For some reason the idea of the little corner behind the desk must have appealed to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have remembered. And I wouldn’t have thought of it today.