Tuesday, November 11, 2003


Sometimes you work hard all day long, you manage to finish one task after another, and then suddenly the day is over before you even notice. I arrived at work at about 8.30, now it is just after 5, and I didn’t take a lunch break, again. I’ve done most of what I set out to do today, and a few other things that came up, and now my head hurts. This is the time of year when I cycle to and from work most days in the dark, and looking out my window now I can see that everything is grey and dark. I guess I need to unwind for a few minutes before getting on my bike.

Last night I went to see Bob Dylan in concert and I was pleasantly surprised. I am not a great fan, I don’t know very much about his music, but a little, and I enjoyed the concert. He is one of those almost mythical names, and to me he is one of the three great rock acts ever, (with the Beatles a clear number one and the Stones number three). I like the music of the Beatles, I am not such a great Stones fan, and I don’t really know enough about Dylan, but somehow those three have always been there. It is great to hear such a man live, and seeing him was definitely worthwhile. I was a bit ashamed though, because the people next to me could sing along to very song, and I didn’t even recognize half of them. Well, I guess you have to start somewhere. And then again, a girl right in front of me was too busy with her mobile phone to be paying attention at all...

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