Monday, August 28, 2006


Spending a weekend telling people about albatrosses made me realise again just how special they are and just how rapidly numbers are going down. Being stuck in an office most of the time sometimes makes the world down south seem so far away and almost unreal, but if I get to go back down south again I know it will be the other way round. Then that will be my real world and what goes on here will seem unreal.

The ocean isn't my natural habitat, I guess, I am to a great extent a city girl. But having crossed the ocean once, I can definitely imagine doing it again. The pace is so different, there is a lot you cannot do, and that gives you great freedom. There is a strange sense of confinement too, but at the same time a sense of immense space. I remember standing on the deck of our sailing ship, looking all around, and getting this panoramic sense. On all sides you could see the horizon touch the sea, and there was nothing in there. Just the sea as far as you can see. And right in the middle my ship, my universe for the moment.

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