Monday, April 09, 2007


Finding all those films on Donny Osmond on YouTube really took me back. I spent most of today tidying and sorting out here at home, and couldn't resist going through my memory box. It's just an old box with some of the things I bought long ago, when I was a huge fan. I was a real teenager, wanting to know all about my idols, trying to find out any way I could, always looking for new pictures, more music. The walls of my bedroom were literally covered in posters. I still remember which albums were rare, which ones I never got, but only got to hear at a friends' house. At my school we were all Donny Osmond fans, no David Cassidy fans in sight. I was just beginning to learn English at the time, and I remember writing down the lyrics to the best of my ability. A few years later I threw them all away, because it turned out that what I wrote down didn't necessarily have anything to do with what was sung on the records.

I actually threw out quite a lot, something I do regret now. I'd made several scrapbooks, and got rid of most of them. Today I did find my very own concert review and the ticket for one of the concerts I went to. I still have very vivid memories of the concerts, or maybe of the events, rather than the music. I remember at the first one I went to, in Leiden, being near the stage, right in the middle of the crowd, and I remember just how hot it was. I remember I was wearing a chequered blouse and my Osmonds t-shirt, and I remember all the screaming. The second concert, in Rotterdam, a couple of years later, was much more organised and civilised. There were seats and a lot of people making sure we stayed in our seats. It didn't make such a vivid impression on me as the first one. I was a little older too, and maybe a little less dedicated. There just are a lot of good memories there.

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