Thursday, September 06, 2007


In my company you get to talk to one of the directors once a year. It is a way for them to keep in touch with everyone and to find out what is happening to the people and to the company. I like the idea. The directors can be approached quite easily anyway, you don't have to make an appointment three weeks in advance, one of the
things I like about my company. But anyway.

This year the talks have been organised around star signs. For some reason I started out in the Cancer group, but now I'm back where I belong, with the Leos. I was born on the first day of Leo, but sometimes I get classed as Cancer and I am definitely Leo. So I had myself transferred back into my natural habitat.

Just to find out what kind of person I am I'd been sent a short description of "Leo in the workplace", written in 1968. It's a little dated, and obviously written for male Leos in the workplace. It still says that the boss has to put some flowers on the desks of us Leo girls once in a while to keep us happy, and to say something nice about our dress or our new haircut. The director is a wise man, and he turned up with a bottle of rosé to show his appreciation for these hard-working Leos.

The meeting itself was interesting. We were nearly all women and almost every one denied being the roaring type of lion. I am not necessarily the most audible always, but I have been known to roar from time to time. I thought it was quite funny that the director confirmed that immediately, he and I have had our little discussions over the years, but we have always managed to resolve them. It was a nice change of perspective again.

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