Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I like the designs of Marlies Dekkers. Her designs are simple, no frills, no bows or little flowers, they are strong and stylish. They also seem to have the right fit and they are nice to wear. It feels like they were made with great care and that shows somehow.

She has been in the business for 15 years now, and so she was given an exhibition at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam. It wasn't just about her designs, but also about the art that provided and provide her with the inspiration for her designs. Pieces by Mondriaan, Egon Schiele, Yves Klein and John de Andrea. The exhibition is nicely balanced. Lots of colour in some places, a lot of black in others. And it has a touch of the bizarre. Like Marlies' work. It gave a good impression of all her work.

I'm still not sure this work really belongs in a place like the Art Hall, but then again, you see all kinds of things in there. The Rijksmuseum bought the dress she became famous with, and this is very much design of our time. So I guess it's worth seeing as well as wearing....

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