Monday, June 04, 2007

International Week

Sometimes things happen almost by accident. Last week I found a cousin of mine who's been living in the United States for the past 14 years, and I hadn't seen her or been in touch with her for all that time. I know the internet is a mixed blessing, but this is a really nice thing to happen. She lives in the mountains on a little farm, but I can still be in touch with her, exchange photographs and find out what's been happening.

And then, when I got home from the theatre last Saturday night, I checked my emails to find my brother in law on-line. So, I ended up chatting with a relative in Mexico. He's only there for a holiday, but it was nice to catch up with what's been happening with him. I just realised though, I forgot to ask if he has bettered his record on the 5 km. I'll have to wait until he gets back home. To Belgium that is. Where he lives.

And I didn't even get to leave the country.....

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