Sunday, March 11, 2007

More Music Please

Concert time again. A very intimate concert this time at the KHL in Amsterdam. New names, but fun to listen to. Reni Laine is an 18-year old singer songwriter from New York touring the Netherlands, where she is finally allowed to legally drink. That's one way of looking at the country, I guess. I did like her music and she was a nice girl. Then Ysis from Zwolle, very different, but I also enjoyed hearing them. Good voices.

All this did make me look forward to Eleni Mandell's concert here in April though. I listen to the cd over and over again, and keep hearing new things in there. The lyrics are not the least bit predictable and I like that very much. I also like the laid-back style, the arrangements and I like her voice.

I really feel like going to concerts at the moment, and fortunately I have quite a few planned right now. And so many different ones too, which makes it good fun. There's An Pierlé coming up, Mondo Leone and Zita Swoon. Maybe Reni Laine again. And I am already looking forward to Christy's concert here in May.


FlowNY said...

Hey Jolie,
Thanks for you comments and your suppport! Reni and I are coming back to Holland for a really nice show at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. Hope you can join us! Lots of new songs and a duet with Ralph Van Manen.

FlowNY said...

Hey Jolie,
Thanks for you comments and your suppport! Reni and I are coming back to Holland for a really nice show at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. Hope you can join us! Lots of new songs and a duet with Ralph Van Manen.