Monday, July 02, 2007

Fell Off the Bike, Man

I managed to fall off my bike again this morning. I'm getting good at this. I'm still not sure what happened because technically I wasn't even on my bike. I had stopped, coming down off the skinny bridge, to give way to another cyclist, who then stopped to give way to me, and before I knew it I had fallen sideways and hit a little post on the side of the bridge. I was lucky it was there really, or I would have hit the ground. Now it was just my bike hitting the ground. My bike did hit my left shin bone, just on the spot where the ship's ladder hit me last January.

I still have my cold, and almost no voice, I think my brain, my eyesight and my coordination have left with my voice. Things, like doors, keep walking into me. I'm just an easy target at the moment. I guess.

I guess the other cyclist was lucky this morning that I still have no voice, I might have been less than nice. But just now I'm not even sure who is supposed to give way there, no other cyclist has ever stopped there for me. So I might have said something to someone who was actually doing it right and who was being nice.

On my way home this afternoon I had a good look round the crossing there, and yes, I do have the right of way there. Good to know.

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