Friday, July 27, 2007

Summer in the City

I always cycle into work, and that means cycling in the city centre. That poses different challenges every season. In winter you need to be careful when it's been freezing especially in the park and on all the bridges.

Then in the summer, it's the tourists. In most countries people are not used to cyclists, so it's hard to know all the written and unwritten rules. And when it comes to cycling there are a lot of both here in Amsterdam. It seems hard for people who don't live here to understand cycle lanes, and to understand the fact that canals are not pavements but roads. And you get the tourists who explore the city on their rented red or yellow bikes. Or as someone called them the other day, "the yellow danger".

My favourite cartoonist, Maaike Hartjes, draws simple characters, which in can convey a lot of emotion and which she uses to create very recognizable situations. I very much like her stories on her relationship, and relationships in general, and all the things that she experiences in her everyday life. She is a great observer and she has a wonderful sense of humour. And she is a cyclist in Amsterdam. She know what that is like in the summer, and yes, this could be me...

1. Another green light!
2. The wind in my back and it is a lovely day...
3. Watch out!
4. Next time I'm simply going to run them over!!!!

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